Freddie Mac Class Action Lawsuit


Freddie Mac is under fire and is looking at a class action lawsuit being filed against the company.  The potential lawsuit revolves around claims that  the Freddie Mac of promising foreclosure sales that it will pay for the buyer’s title insurance if the buyer agrees to use the title insurance company utilized by Freddie Mac’s agent, but then “universally” refuses to do it.  The case is enttiled Rebecca Urban, et al. v. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.  A trial by Jury is being requested on all issues stated in the Freddie Mac Class Action Lawsuit here.

“This is a case of Freddie Mac making promises it has no intention of keeping,” says the class action lawsuit. “Freddie Mac universally and wrongfully refuses to honor this promise, yet continues to make the promise over and over again knowing full well that it will not honor it….and will likely continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.”